Hang Out With The Hypegirl Community Anytime, Anywhere!

Your new BFFs are waiting to meet you!

Join The Exclusive

Hangouts CHat!

A fun & supportive space for gals wanting to create an alcohol free life

OR... Register in Messenger:

By entering your email, you are subscribing to { } personal and promotional marketing email list. If you are a member of the European Union, in the first email, you will be given the option to opt-in to my regular marketing emails after the launch sequence is over. If you choose not to, you will not receive any more marketing or promotional emails after this sequence is complete.


Enjoy a social media-free zone where you can focus on genuine connections and meaningful conversations. No distractions from ads and no endless scrolling. This is your space to build real friendships, share valuable insights, and have heartfelt discussions without the noise of social media,


Never miss out on the fun! Hangouts Chat lets you stay in the loop and keep up with your community without worrying about schedules or appointments. Pop in during your lunch break, unwind after a long day, or catch up over the weekend. You'll always be part of the conversations!


Show up to a space that’s all about positive vibes and supportive friendships. It’s like a virtual hug from your favorite people, anytime you need it! Our community thrives on encouragement, positivity, and genuine support, and Hypegirl Hangouts Chat is here to lift you up and keep the good vibes flowing!


How Is Hypegirl Hangouts Different From Hypegirl Hangouts Chat?

Hypegirl Hangouts is a free weekly virtual meet-up where community members can connect and chat LIVE about their alcohol free journey for one hour. Hypegirl Hangouts Chat is a monthly subscription that provides 24/7 access to a dedicated chat platform where you can continue conversations, gain support, and engage with the community anytime.

How Much Does The Hypegirl Hangouts Chat Subscription Cost?

The Hypegirl Hangouts Chat subscription is a flat monthly fee of $10 billed automatically each month. And you can cancel anytime by simply emailing Team Hypegirl. All the details and instructions will be included in your welcome email and inside the Hangouts Chat.

Can I Join The Chat If I Haven't Attended A Free Hypegirl Hangouts Meet-Up?

Absolutely! You can totally join Hypegirl Hangout Chats if you haven't attended a free meet-up. In fact, this is one of the main reasons for creating Hypegirl Hangouts Chat: to allow more gals, who are changing their relationship with alcohol, to join the Hangouts without the pressures of being on camera or dealing with demanding schedules that might prohibit them from attending the free Hangouts.

Is There A Free Trial Available?

Currently, Hypegirl Hangouts Chat does not offer a free trial, but you can join the free weekly meet-ups to experience the community before subscribing. And remember, you can cancel anytime. Experience the vibe THEN decide. No pressure either way.

How Do I Participate In The Chat?

Once you subscribe, you'll receive an invitation to join the chat platform. Once inside, you'll see lots of prompts to start chatting and connecting, so it's easy to jump right in. You can participate through the web app or mobile app, available for both iOS and Android devices.

Do I Need A Facebook Profile To Join?

No, Hypegirl Hangouts Chat is not hosted on Facebook or in a Facebook group. AMEN! The chat platform is completely off social media, providing a distraction-free zone from long-lost cousins and all those ads. It's a free & simple-to-use platform ensuring complete privacy, focused engagement. and meaningful connections.

Can You Tell Me More About What Happens Inside The Chat?

Sure thing! The chat is always open for lively discussions, sharing resources, and supporting each other as you co-create a fabulous life without alcohol. You'll also have access to exclusive content, networking opportunities, and I'll even be hosting occasional exclusive events for subscribers. So much happens in the Hangouts!


Thank you for the space to offload some of the stuff that's been weighing us down. I love that we look at all areas of our life -

no exceptions!


I just love the Hangouts! Thank you for providing a place for all of us to chat and connect- with the support of the Hypegirls, dreams do come true!



I definitely need more of this in my life! Couldn't do any of this without your support, ladies!

Thank you so much!

Jaime T.

Your Personal Hypegirl


Oh well hey there! I'm Jaime, a high-level alcohol free lifestyle coach and educator with a passion for helping wellness-seeking gals find true freedom from the moderation (un)merry-go-round. I empower clients to escape the constant BS alcohol dumps on them because we're DONE done with all that noise.

You see, I was just like you, searching for solutions to remedy my unhealthy drinking habit after numerous attempts at Whole 30s and Dry Janurys that ended with me nosediving into a bottle of red wine at the finish line.

In 2017, I committed to a 90 day challenge that resulted in alcohol losing its importance in my life. Fast forward to today, I work with

aspiring non-drinkers who are ready for a fresh approach that doesn't include AA or labels.

I recognize that making lasting change includes way more than simply quitting something cold turkey. That's why I prioritize identifying the underlying thoughts, beliefs, and actions that are holding you back.

We'll create a strong foundation for lasting change by replenishing your needs instead of leaving you high, dry, and deprived...

without you ever missing out on any of the fun!

Disclaimer -Hypegirl Hangouts is geared towards women who are making changes to their drinking habits for health and wellness reasons.

This is not a replacement for professional or medical help to stop or cut back on their drinking.