staying sober at a weddingblog cover with text

The Ultimate Guide To Staying Sober At A Wedding

February 20, 20244 min read

Win At Wedding Szn: The Ultimate Non-Drinker's Guide

staying sober at a wedding text for blog cover

It’s wedding season, gals, and I know how hard this time can be when you’re not drinking.

Whether you're committed to an alcohol-free lifestyle, dipping your toe in the sober curious waters, or simply choosing not to drink, I’ve got you covered. 

Navigating a celebration filled with toasts and clinking glasses can be challenging, but not anymore, sister – I’ve compiled a comprehensive guide to help you not only survive but thrive at weddings while staying true to your non-drinking goals!

So let's shimmy into the art of winning at wedding season!

👰 The Challenge of Staying Sober at a Wedding

Weddings are joyous occasions, often synonymous with champagne toasts and signature cocktails. If you've chosen not to drink, you might wonder how to navigate the social landscape without feeling out of place (which is what brought you here to this blog!)

So I’ve whipped up the ultimate guide on staying sober at a wedding to help you sip smoothly through the celebration…so let’s go, girls!

🫥 How to Hide That You're Not Drinking

I get it.

You want to fly under the radar and not have a big to-do around your decision to not drink.

And guess what: choosing not to drink doesn't mean you have to broadcast it to the bride tribe and beyond ("no, Tanya, I don't want a drink for the millionth time")

So here are some subtle ways to handle the "Why aren't you drinking?" question with grace:

  • The Stealthy Sipper: embrace non-alcoholic drinks that look like the real deal. A beautifully garnished mocktail in a fancy glass can easily pass for a cocktail.

  • The Refill Renegade: keep a non-alcoholic beverage in your hand at all times. This discourages well-meaning friends from offering you a refill and keeps any prying eyes at bay. Pro Tip: check out the Template Bar for more quick and easy wedding season wins with instant downloadable templates and checklists. There's one for wedding szn, too!

🙅‍♀Is It Rude To Not Drink At A Wedding?

If you’re worried about coming off as rude by not drinking at someone’s wedding, please hear me:

Staying sober at a wedding is a very personal decision that holds zero merit as being rude.

So let’s talk about a few quick notes on how to dispel that feeling:

Communicate Your Choice:

It's perfectly acceptable to communicate your decision not to drink to close friends and family in advance, including the bride and groom (if you're really close with them).

This way, they understand and can offer support, or in some cases, get some fun non-alcoholic options on the menu for you and anyone else to enjoy during the wedding celebration!

Want some extra support leading up to the big celebration? Grab my Win at Wedding Szn template bundle, so you can feel confident and well-prepared for the big day ahead!

Focus On The Celebration:

Remember, weddings are about love and celebration, not just the libations. Keep the spotlight on the couple, and your choice to stay sober will likely go unnoticed.

🍸Drinks That Look Like Alcohol But Aren't

For those who want to blend in , here are some easy alcohol-free alternatives that look and feel like a classic cocktail:

  • Virgin Mojito: a classic mocktail with mint, lime, and soda – a refreshing choice that resembles the iconic cocktail.

  • Cranberry and Ginger Ale: enjoy in a rocks glass to mimic a classic cocktail, up in a martini glass to resemble a Cosmo, or in a champagne flute to resemble a darker shade of rose.


Navigating a wedding sober is not only possible but can lead to a richer and more memorable experience.

By embracing creative non-alcoholic alternatives, communicating your choice confidently, and focusing on the joyous celebration, you can stay true to your non-drinking goals while still being the life of the party.

So a bigtime Hypegirl hug to you as you celebrate love, life, and happiness – and cheers to staying sober at a wedding!

Want to learn more strategies about becoming a non-drinker?

Sign up below and join my newsletter! 👇👇👇👇

It's jam-packed with essential non-drinking tips to help you create a fabulous life without alcohol and gets delivered straight to your inbox (how easy peasy is that?!).


And make sure you're hangin' with me over on my socials (and please say hello! I love hearing from you!):

Instagram: @hypegirlhealing

Tik Tok: @oghypegirl

Hey there, I'm Jaime aka Your Personal Hypegirl ✌ and I help wellness-seeking gals ditch the drinks and enjoy life sans booze.
Please don't be stranger - stick around and stay awhile!

Jaime T.

Hey there, I'm Jaime aka Your Personal Hypegirl ✌ and I help wellness-seeking gals ditch the drinks and enjoy life sans booze. Please don't be stranger - stick around and stay awhile!

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